JMRolph's most recommended Telecaster sound set is a 1957 Telecaster type for the front and a 1955 Esquire type for the rear. The pickup characteristics of each are faithfully reproduced by using Alnico 5.
JMRolph began researching vintage pickups in 1959. Since then, the handmade custom pickups commissioned by many top musicians have received praise from top musicians both domestically and internationally, calling them ``perfectly reproduced pickups.''
By doing the rewinding himself (he even made his own machine to rewind the wire), JMRolph thoroughly analyzed and verified various pickups from each generation. As a result, they discovered that even pickups of the same type not only have differences due to the materials of each part, but also the way they are wrapped depending on the year of manufacture and the type of worker.
JMRolph creates pickups by selecting samples that provide the best sound from among different pickups of the same type, and by carefully selecting materials without relying solely on measured values (DC resistance, etc.). To do. In addition, we reproduce the ultimate vintage sound using our unique regauss technology and winding technology.